iarmm World Health Risk Management Center




Last Update: October 21, 2005
This homepage is open on March 20, 2005.

Japanese version

World Society homepage

Int. Forum of Patient Safety  (Jan. 2006)






WHRMC International Forum on
"Global Transfer of Safety and Health Technologies to Industrial Markets"



BULLETIN --- Released by Oct. 21, 2005



(The Second Announcement)



  1. Purpose
  2. Conference Committees
  3. Main Thesis
  4. Program Topics

 - October 21, 2005

  1. Time Table
  2. Place
  3. Official Language
  4. Registration Fee
  5. Registration form
  6. Conference Office
  7. Travel & Lodge
  8. Registration for Soceity








(Conference Date) November 1-2, 2005
(Place) Convention Hall, Komaba Reseach Campus

The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science




Official language is English and Japanese




Forum President: Ryoji Sakai
Chairs of WHRMC, iarmm and JSRMPM
Profs., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, etc.

Chair of the Organizing Committee: Ryuzo Ooka
WHRMC Director,

Assoc. Prof., University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science

Hosted by
World Health Risk Management Center (WHRMC)

With the Cooperation of
Uniom Risk Management for Preventive Medicine (iarmm)

Supported by
Japan Society of Risk Management for Preventive Medicine (JSRMPM)
University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science

Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo

Embassy of Switzerland, Japan

Royal Netherlands Embassy, Tokyo

National Disaster Medical Center of Japan

National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster of Japan

The Nikkankogyo Shinbun LTD, Japan

Koyama Healthcare Group, Japan

Real-time Earthquake Information Consortium, Tokyo, Japan

Rescuenow.net Inc, Tokyo, Japan


This homepage can be linked at free.
(C)2005 WHRMC