Greetings to the World

for International Forum on Collaborative Research between Academic and Industrial Sectors

 November 1 – 3, 2005

by World Health Risk Management Center (WHRMC)





Dear colleagues in safety and health sciences,



Establishment of eWorld Health Risk Management Center (WHRMC)f in Tokyo, Japan was officially declared in the 1st World Congress of eUnion of Risk Management for Preventive Medicine (URMPM)f,   which was held in  2003,  Tokyo, to promote and assist the URMPMfs activities in global research, global education and global transfer of safety and health information and technology.  All about the URMPM and WHRMC are available in the homepages.


Time is WHRMC opening, and it is our great pleasure to organize this memorial forum at Institute of Industrial Sciences, The University of Tokyo. The major purpose of this forum is to promote global transfer of safety and health technologies from the URMPM academic members in universities and public research institutes of the world to industrial sectors.  The members in the URMPM have developed the highly-advanced technologies in safety and health sciences, and those technologies need further collaboration with industrial sectors in the developed countries, such as Japan.  However, some of those high technologies couldnft joint to the world industrial sectors so well, due to language barrier and geographical barrier.  


On those accounts, this forum is scheduled to promote global transfer of those technologies to industrial sectors.  We also welcome any presentation of highly-advanced technologies by other experts in the world than the URMPM members, who have a plan to find the partners in the industrial sectors in Japan and other countries, to promote further development in your new and high technologies of safety and health sciences to our planet, jointly with new industrial partners.



Best regards

Truly Yours 



Ryoji Sakai


March 20, 2005