Time Table

2005 November 1 - Registration, Keynote Lecture, Oral Presentation, Banquet

2005 November 2 – Oral & Poster Presentations, Closing Remarks



Convention Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Official Language


Simultaneous interpretation between English and Japanese is available for oral presentation.


Main Thesis


Global Transfer of Safety and Health Technologies from Academic Sector to Private Sectors.









November 1, 2005




Presentations in Panel (1) are preformed in English

The others will be performed in Japanese.




Opening remark

November 1, 2005.  am 9:00 - am 9:10 International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo


    Ryuzo Ooka          Assoc. Prof., University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science





Introduction to WHRMC

November 1, 2005.  am 9:10 - am 9:30 International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo

WHRMC policy for international collaboration for safety and health technology development.

      Ryoji Sakai,   Chair, Union of Risk Management for Preventive Medicine

                              Prof. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology





Special lectures

November 1, 2005. International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo



(Panel 1-1)  Nationwide trend of high advanced technology in safety and health.




am 9:30 - am 10:45

1.      Swedish high-advanced technology in general sciences, life science, Information security, and defense science.   

Chairperson:   Emiko Tamura, Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo


               The Swedish Innovative System: A Triple Helix model producing Leading Technologies and Business Start Ups,

many with focus on management of risks in the modern society.  

Hans Rhodiner, Industrial Counselor, Office of Invest in Sweden Agency, Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo


    Risk management within IT -Sweden a neutral nation with strong and innovative technology

Robert Grönborg, Manager, IT & Electronics Project, Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo


Swedish Life Science  : One examples of medical risk management at Karolinska Institute, for reducing surgical errors

Emiko Tamura, Office of  Science & Technology, Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo




am 10:45 - am 12:00

2.      The French Strategy for Biological Resources Maintenance and Transfer

Modulator:  Rina Higashino


                       Louis Rechaussat,  National Institute of Health and Medicine,

Consultant of Center of Biological Resource

  (French guest scientist, invited by Embassy of France, Japan)




LUNCH  pm 12:00 - pm 1:00





Special lectures

November 1, 2005. International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo



(Panel 1-2)  Nationwide trend of high advanced technology in safety and health.




pm 1:00 - pm 1:40

1.      Nanotechnology and current view of health risk.

Modulator:  Rina Higashino


    -  The current understandings within NanoNed *), the Dutch Network of Nano Excellence.

       And Food Valley, the Dutch National Project


     Erik Blomjous            Royal Netherlands Embassy, Tokyo


*) NanoNed is a nanotechnology cluster of 7 Dutch universities, TNO Research Institute and Philips. 




pm 1:40 - pm 2:30

4.      Spotlight on Switzerland.

Modulator:  Rina Higashino


                Felix Moesner               Embassy of Switzerland in Japan




pm 2:30 - pm 3:10

5.      Italian research and development system in nanotechnology, space technology and information technology.  

Modulator:  Rina Higashino


                    Angelo Vopli                  Embassy of Italy, Tokyo







Break  pm 3:10 - pm 3:15






Keynote lecture (1)

November 1, 2005.  pm 3:15 - am 4:00 International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo

Chairperson:: Satoshi Nakamura,   Division of Technical Transfer and Evaluation, Department of Appropriate Technology Development and Transfer,

Research Institute, International Medical Center of Japan.



 Clinical risk management for HIV Infection


           Kazuhiko Koike,       Prof. The University of Tokyo Hospital.  Clinical Infectious Disease 








Special lectures


November 1, 2005.  International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo



 (Panel 2)  Bio- technologies in safety and health practices.


Chairperson:   Kazuhiko Koike,   Prof. The University of Tokyo Hospital



pm 4:00 - pm 5:00

1.      Transfer of AIDS vaccine technology to industrial market.




                Mitsuo Honda* 1, Kazuhiro Matsuo 1,Yasushi Ami 2, Masaru Kanekiyo 1,Kenji Someya 1,

Yasuyuki Izumi 1, Shigeo Horibata 1, Tadashi Nakasone 1, Tomotaka Okamoto 1,

Shinichiro Hattori 1, Mari Takizawa 1, Shinrai Ohta 1 Shihoko Aizawa1 and Naoki Yamamoto 1


                     1AIDS Research Center and, 2Division of Experimental Animal Research,

National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan




pm 5:00 - pm 5:30

      2.  Session Discussion  - Further development in risk management technology of infectious diseases.







        (Date)   pm 6:10-8:30, November 1, 2005

    (Place)  Faculty House in the University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus.













November 2, 2005




Special lectures


November 2, 2005. International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo



(Panel 3)  Safety and heath technologies on environmental safety and sustainability.   


Chairperson: Ryuzo Ooka,  Assoc. Prof. The University of Tokyo.


am 9:00 - am 9:45

1.      High advanced simulation technology for urban fire disaster. (tentative title)


       Ryuzo Ooka      Assoc. Prof.,  University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo, Japan.



am 9:45 - am 10:30

2.  High technology for reduction of air born substances.


Reducing Particle Emissions in Tunnel Construction Sites Using Diesel Particle Filter Systems: 

Filtration Efficiency, Secondary Emissions, Operation Experience and Overall Effect on Ambient Air


A.Mayer, M.Kasper, N.Heeb, J.Czerwinski, W.Scheidegger

TTM, ME, EMPA, AFHB, SUVA,  Zurich, Switzerland



am 10:30 - am 11:15

3. Wind disaster in Japan and its management .


Takeshi Ishihara   Associate Prof., The University of Tokyo, Japan.



am 11:15 - pm 12:00

    4.  Session Discussion  - Further requirement of development in safety and health technology toward he world.




pm 12:00 - pm 1:00






Keynote lecture (2)

November 2, 2005. pm 1:00 - pm 2:20 International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo



Crisis management technology in natural and societal disasters. (tentative title)


      Kimiro Meguro,       Prof. The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science




Special Symposium   (1)   - International Contribution on Earthquake Disaster Reduction


November 2, 2005.  International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo


Chairperson:   Kimiro Meguro, Prof. The University of Tokyo.


pm 2:20 - pm 2:45



Seiichi Takahashi               Expert, OYO International Corporation, Tokyo.



pm 2:45 - pm 3:10

2.  Local available, high performance retrofit method for low earthquake resistant masonry houses


Paola Mayorca         Research Fellow, International Center for Urban Safety Engineering, IIS, University of Tokyo


pm 3:10 - pm 3:30

3.  Session Discussion  - Current issues in global transfer of safety technology for disasters.






Special Symposium  (2)   - Development of Integrated crisis management in privet sectors


November 2, 2005.  International Conference Hall,  Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo


(Purpose)  New technologies for disaster crisis management by a couple of Japanese private sectors are presented, to clarify future system and technology toward integration of crisis management system in private sectors.



Chairperson:   Kimiro Meguro, Prof. The University of Tokyo.


pm 3:30 - pm 4:10

1.      Wide area network system for help after  disasters.        ‘Thunderbird  Program’.

                     Yasunari Koyama            CEO of Koyama Healthcare Group, Japan.



pm 4:10 - pm 4:50

2.   A Scheme of Earthquake Early Warning in Japan

                     Sachio Fujinawa              Director of Real-time Earthquake Information Consortium, Tokyo, Japan.  



pm 4:50 - pm 5:30

3.   Real-time hazard watch and alert system.

              Keiichi Ichikawa                Representative of Rescuenow.net Incorporated, Tokyo, Japan.



pm 5:30 - pm 6:10

4.  Total management system for damage mitigation of storage tank facilities using Real-time earthquake information

                  Naoto Ohbo                      Research Engineer, Technical Research Institute, Kajima Corp.



pm 6:10 - pm 6:50

5.      Session Discussion  - Present and future toward development in integrated risk management for disasters.





Closing remarks

pm 6:50 - pm 7:00

Kimiro Megiro,    Prof. University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo, Japan.








Presentation manners

 ‘Power point’ material should be brought to the registration desk, 30 minutes before your presentation..



Registration fee

(Participation of 2 days) 

200 USD    for a paid-up member of the URMPM or WHRMC.

300 USD    for a non- paid-up member of the URMPM or WHRMC


(Participation of 1day) 

100 USD    for a paid-up member of the URMPM or WHRMC.

150 USD    for a non- paid-up member of the URMPM or WHRMC



The banquet participation is additionally charged with 50 USD.

        (Date)   pm 6:30-8:30, November 1, 2005

    (Place)  Faculty House in the University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus.




(Note) Any persons in news media is not accepted to participate.



This page is maintained by Ms. Shirley V.V. Chaves. To contact me with suggestion, comments and question, please email to Shirley..
(C)2005 WHRNC