International Association of Risk Management in Medicine (IARMM)                                                             View an online version of this email.

                     5th World Congress of Clinical Safety
                                         21 - 23 September 2016, Boston, USA

(Main theme) Smart Hospitals and Healthcare: Health Care Management & Leadership, Risk, Quality, and Productivity

(Abstract submission without visa) 1 Feb 2016 - 31 May 2016
(Abstract submission with visa) 1 Feb 2016 - 30 April 2016 (Conference registration) from 1st April 2016

Abstract submission form

This academic congress is organized by IARMM and aims to improve and promote the science and technology of better clinical safety in health care. The congress covers a wide range of topics such as patient safety, medication safety, medical device safety, infectious disease outbreak, and the other related subjects.

We are sure that the Congress will assist the world wide exchange of knowledge and skill around the world.

A time is to submit your abstract to meet and share information with our world colleagues.

Don't miss this important opportunity to improve your knowledge by exchanging experiences of clinical safety internationally.

Please transfer the following information to your colleagues.

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