
The 8th World Congress of Clinical Safety (8WCCS)

(Theme) Patient Safety Promotion by Multi-Occupation

      Patient Safety First

2 (Wed) - 4 (Fri) October 2019
Grand Majestic Plaza hotel, Prague, Czech Republic

hosted by
International Association of Risk Management in Medicine (IARMM).


Venue and Transportation    Organizer     IARMM Membership




1st World Congress of Clinical Safety 2012 in London

2nd World Congress of Clinical Safety 2013 in Heidelberg

3rd World Congress of Clinical Safety 2014 in Madrid

4th World Congress of Clinical Safety 2015 in Vienna

5th World Congress of Clinical Safety 2016 in Boston

6th World Congress of Clinical Safety 2017 in Rome

7th World Congress of Clinical Safety 2018 in Bern

Prague City Guide

Czech Republic

Welcome to Czech.

Oral presentation room is changed from "Grand II" to "Grand I".

The deadline of full paper submission was extended by October 31.
Instructions for authors of full papers

Click here ---> Program

"Call for Abstract" is close.

Pre-registration is close. We have an onsite registration during Congress days.

"Congress Registration" (Onsite)

This conference contains the education courses.

Oct 2, Morning: Introduction to present Harvard University approach toward patient safety.

Oct 3, Morning: Basic platform of clinical safety

Oct 4, Morning: Today's topics in clinical safety

The daily course material is released by electronic data in each day morning.

The Prague Congress covers a wide range of safety topics, such as clinical safety (patient safety, medication safety, medical device safety), infectious disease outbreak, and other related safety subjects.
The key concept of congress is "Patient Safety Promotion by Multi-Occupation". Fusion of different knowledges generates mega power for great explosion of science. Fusion science is also essential to develop highly-advanced safe and clean science and technology.

After the previous Congresses in London, Heidelberg, Madrid, Vienna, Boston, Rome, and Bern, it is a time for the 8th Congress 2019 in Prague.

Let's enjoy the Prague Congress to meet together with multi occupations, share information and create your new global partnership at an early capitol of Holy Roman Empire.


IARMM 2019

Have nice days in beatiful Prague.


(To a delegate)

(Congress Hall Location)

Grand Majestic Plaza hotel      

  Truhlarska 16, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
  Tel: +420 226 295 111,   Fax: +420 226 295 110;
  Email: Questions for meeting

How to go there
      Free WI-FI is available.

(Hotel limousine service)
    Please contact the hotel reception at e-mail: Reception desk

(Official language) English.
    No translation to other languages.

(Important deadline)

  "Call for Abstracts" is close.

  "Congress Registration" is close.

    "Onsite registration" is also available.

  A size of poster pinboard is 1m (WD) and 1m (HT).

  "Full paper submission"
    1 September 2019 - 31 October 2019

     Instructions for authors of full papers

A certification letter of your participation is given at an onsite registration desk.

Our academic society has no service for hotel reservation.

If you book your room in the above congress hotel, the hotel offers 15% discount price for a congress attendee. In this case, contact the above hotel directly as an our Congress delegate by yourself.
Email to reservation@hotel-grandior.cz.
Call for +420 211 159 854

Or search any the other hotel in the following links by yourself.
Prague hotels
Other hotel accommodation

(News and Update)
2019 Sep 26: The oral presentation room is changed from "Grand II" to "Grand I".
2019 Sep 16: Pre-registration was close. Onsite-registration is available
2019 Aug 18 Program is now available.
2019 June 21: The final deadline of presenter's registration is 31 July.
2019 July 14: The Conference contains the education programs in every day morning.
2019 July 4: A size of poster pinboard is 1m (WD) and 1m (HT).
2019 June 28: The deadline of your full paper submission is 31 October 2019.
2019 June 1: "Call for Abstracts" is now available till 30 June 2019.
2019 Feb 27: Flyer Please transfer it to your colleagues.
2019 Jan 19: Poster Please transfer it to your colleagues.
2019 Jan 1: This homepage is open.

Conference registration,
abstract submission and exhibition registration to:

IARMM Office

IARMM Conference Manager
Mrs. Yuko Suzuki
(Tel/Fax) +81-3-3817-6770
4-7-12-102 Hongo, Bunkyoku, Tokyo

(This academic society's homepage) www.iarmm.org

(C) IARMM 2019   This homepage can be linked at free.