
About Globe



URMPM Globe is a global communication tool by worldwide exchange of knowledge and skills of health and safety, attached with global information resources in our earth.

URMPM Globe is managed by '
World Health Risk Management Center' (WHRMC), an academic group toward global promotion of information exchange, health and safety education and interdisciplinary research, by 'Union of Risk Management for Preventive Medicine' (URMPM).

By visiting http://www.urmpm.org/Globe/, you can exchange global information about health, safety and general sciences, which are managed with URMPM world members and the public.

August 1, 2005

Editor in Chief of URMPM Globe
      Ryoji Sakai (URMPM Chair)

URMPM Information, Registration & Publication Office, Costa Rica
      Shirley V. V. Chaves (URMPM International Secretary)

Globe's Offices


(WHRMC Office)
(Postal Address) 4-36-2-103 Hongo, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
(Email in English) secr-office@umin.net
(Email in Japanese) jsrmpm-office@umin.net
(Tel/Fax) +81-3-3817-6770 (81 is a country code of Japan)

(URMPM Information, Registration & Publication Office)
E-mail: secr-office@umin.net
FAX: +506-292-6136      (506 is a country code of Costa Rica)



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