privacy in web search
1. The Globe
doesn't request and collect your privacy information including IP address
in your visit in the web.
When you are asked to submit such information by a name of Globe, it is
not our official request, You should not respond to it.
2. Some commercial website incited in the Globe may automatically collect
your cookie in your computer, which is used by the company's private
policy, but not used by the Globe.
3. The privacy of our sponsors is protected.
4. Credit card payment through internet is not available. The Globe uses
only fax for your payment form.
5. When our private policy is revised, it will be shown in this URL.
6. Contact to us, if you have any questions.
Editor in Chief of URMPM Globe
Ryoji Sakai (URMPM Chair)
URMPM Information, Registration & Publication Office, Costa Rica
Shirley V. V. Chaves (URMPM International
(WHRMC Office)
(Postal Address) 4-36-2-103 Hongo,
Bunkyoku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
(Email in English)
(Email in Japanese)
(Tel/Fax) +81-3-3817-6770 (81 is a country code of Japan)
(URMPM Information, Registration & Publication Office)
FAX: +506-292-6136 (506 is a country code of
Costa Rica)