Journal of Medical Safety
(Online version)ISSN 1349-5240
Official academic journal
for original manuscripts by
Association of Risk Management in Medicine’ (IARMM)
This page is information of the journal guideline, only.
2017 JMS is distributed only by electronic material in internet since
2017. Any print version is not
and Scope:
of Medical Safety (JMS) is an official
English journal for `International Association of Risk Management in Medicine
(IARMM)’. The journal welcomes any
manuscripts around the world. The
purpose of this publication is to distribute original articles, short
communications and review articles on health and safety improvement based on quality and
quantity Aspects. Appropriate
topics include, but not limited to, problems related to patient safety
(clinical safety), environment health, life-style disease, community health,
occupational health, medical accidents, food product health, international
health, mental health and health issues for aging population.
This online journal (ISSN 1349-5240) is distributed 1
or 2 times every year. You should use
e-mail for rapid communication with the editorial office concerning submission
of your manuscripts. Each copy contains
information for IARMM members (i.e., Committees' Announcement, Meeting Summary,
Information of Conference, Free Basic Textbook, Library, Information of Patient
Safety, Drug Safety, Food Safety, Chemicals Safety, Environment Safety,
Occupational Safety, and Available Position).
We hope
this journal is effective to promote the worldwide scientific activities in
safe medicine.
Editorial Board
22 March 2025
Kudo (IARMM vice-chair, Institute
Science of Tokyo Hospital, Healthcare Safety)
Editorial members
Nathalie de
Marcellis-Warin (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal)
Joon Pil Cho (
Morishita (Institute
Science of Tokyo Hospital, Acute Medicine)
Masaki Q
Fujita (Keio University, Forensic Medicine)
Kazuhisa Takemura (Waseda University, psychology)
Toshimasa Itoh
(Tokyo Women's Medical University, Pharmacology)
Hisami Futakuchi (Sendai Seiyo Gakuin University, Nursing)
Vyacheslav K. Ilyin (Russian Acadey of Science, RF State Scientific Cent. Inst. Biomed. Problems,
Elena Ryabchikova (State Research Center of Virology and
Biotechnology "Vector", Novosibirsk)
Bruno Gottestein (University of Bern, Faculty of Medicine, Bern)
Andersson (
Simon Cohn (University of London, Goldsmiths College, London)
Subscription: Each copy will be distributed as an e-version or off-line
mail magazine, while the content can be also seen in IARMM homepage. The annual
subscription fee is 300 USD per person, if you are not the registered members
of IARMM. Those who wish to subscribe this journal should contact the Editorial
Office about payment.
of Medical Safety (JMS) is accepting online to the Society Office ( Authors will be sent more information about how and
where to send their papers after they are accepted. The entire manuscript
should be contained in one file. Tables and figures may be excluded from the
electronic file and presented only in the accompanying hard copies. The
following word processing programs and format files are accepted: Microsoft
Word for Windows version, Text files, RTF form files, and PDF form files. An
electronic file by other languages than English are not be accepted.
2. Manuscripts previously published
are not acceptable. Submission of a manuscript to the journal implies that it
has not been published elsewhere, that it does not duplicate material already
published in any languages elsewhere.
3. Human studies should not be conducted
in accordance with the recommendations outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki
(1964, revised 1975 and 1983).
following types of contributions will be published: 1) articles reporting
original research; 2) short communications; 3) other articles. All submissions
are peer-reviewed and subject to final decision of the Editorial Board.
5. If the manuscript is accepted for
publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to the International
Association of Risk Management in Medicine (IARMM).
6. Manuscript should be prepared in
the following manner:
should be written in English. Each manuscript should be sent by e-mail to the
following Editorial Office.
(2) The English abstract (250
words) should be attached to manuscripts.
The title page of the manuscript should include name(s) of author(s),
affiliated organization(s), address of representative author, type of
contribution, running title (not more than 60 letters including spaces) and
number of tables and figures.
Manuscript should be typed in double-spacing on A4 (ca. 22x28 cm) paper.
Original article should be limited to 8 pages including tables and figures.
This would be equivalent to 20 pages of double-spaced text. Exceeded print page
will be charged by 100 USD per page.
Short communications and case studies should be limited to 2 pages including
tables and figures. This would be equivalent to 5 pages of double-spaced text.
Key words up to 10 words will be placed after the abstract for reviews,
originals, and field studies, but only after the title of the title page for
short communications and case studies.
Tables and figures should be of adequate quality to withstand reduction in
size. Each table and figure should be submitted on a separate A4 sheet. Their
location in the text should be indicated in the margin of the text.
The following units and symbols should be used for quantities and measurements:
km, m, cm, mm, ㎛, nm, kg, g,
mg, ㎍,; ℓ, mℓ, ㎕; yr (year), wk(week), d(day),
h(hour), min(minute), s(sec) .
References should be numbered according to the order in which they appear in
the text and should be listed at the end of the text according to the following
format. The in-text reference numbers be in
superscript (small above the words). The number of the references should
be indicated in the text as follows.
Examples of references
i)Papers published in Journals
Adamson J, Hunt K, Ebrahim S.
Socioeconomic position, occupational exposures, and gender: the relation with
locomotor disability in early old age. J Epidemiol. Community Health 2003;57:
Books and other monographs
Detels R, McEwen J, Beaglehole R, Tanaka
H. Oxford Textbook of Public Health. The Scope of Public Health. Fourth
Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
iii)Contributions in Books
Detels R, Breslow. Current scope and
concerns in public health. In: Detels R, McEwen J,
Beaglehole R, Tanaka H. Oxford Textbook of Public Health. The Scope of Public
Health. Fourth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002: 3-20.
Publication Office
c/o IARMM World HQ
(Tel) +81-3-3817-7010 (fax)+81-3-6801-6987
(Postal Address) 4-7-12-102
Hongo, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, 113-0033, JPN
c) IARMM 2024