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The 2nd Academic Conference of Safety Psychology and Behavior for Healthcare (2SPBH)

Abstract Submission (Oral presntation only)

Submit from 1 August 2024 to 31 August 2024

One abstract within 1000 words.
The abstract book is on open access for public.

You can submit 3 presentations per single registration fee.

(Manner of oral presentaion)
remote live via internet, or prerecoreded movie release(mp4).
Each presentation time is 10-20 min.

(Poster presentation is not available.)

(Event Overview)
The Congress is aimed to improve and promote the science and technology of healthcare safety, also including safety psychology and safety behavior in healthcare. The congress covers a wide range of topics such as patient safety, medication safety, medical device safety, infectious disease outbreak, and mega disaster.

(Topics for your oral and poster presentation)
  • resilience / recognition psychology & behavior / communication / education /
  • counseling / coaching / patient support / ethics & moral
  • leadership & followership / job stress / psychological safety /
  • dialog skill / informed consent /peer support /risky behavior analysis /
  • team management / governance / attentiveness training /
  • error reporting culture /information gathering ability /
  • legal aspect of safety behavior /safety designing ability /
  • the other issues of psychology and behavior of healthcare safety

  • Any all topics of heathcare safety including the other above topics

  • You can present your topic by oral or poster presentation.

    Your oral topic may be embedded into the suitable symposium or panel discussion, by Program Committee's judgement.