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The 2nd Academic Conference of Safety Psychology and Behavior for Healthcare (2SPBH)

Welcome message from Chairs

We are pleased to announce the 2nd international conference on psychological and behavioral medical safety, as a vitual conference in internet.

At this conference, we will comprehensively discuss how to create a better medical safety culture from various perspectives, including psychological and behavioral aspects. Targets include patient safety, medical worker safety, drug safety, medical device safety, infectious disease control, and psychological and behavioral issues in disaster medicine.

You can also participate in on-demand viewing of recorded videos after the meeting.

With best wishes,
Yours Sincerely,

International Association of Risk Management in Medicine (IARMM)
Medical Safety Promotion Organization (MSPO)
Medical Safety Society of Psychology and Behavior for Healthcare Safety (MSSPB)
MSPO Health & Safety Institute (HSI)

World organizers